Are You a Candidate for Dental Sealants?

Do You Need Dental Sealants in North East, PA?

Maintaining a healthy, radiant smile begins with taking proactive measures to prevent dental problems. One highly effective preventive treatment is dental sealants, which shield the tiny grooves and indentations in your teeth from harmful bacteria, reducing the risk of tooth decay.

While children are often the primary recipients of dental sealants, adults with certain dental conditions may also benefit from this treatment. If you’re wondering whether you or your child is a good candidate for dental sealants, call our North East, PA, dental office today at (814) 725-4700. We’re here to help you protect your smile!

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Ideal Candidates for Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are thin, protective plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth, like molars and premolars. These sealants stop food particles and bacteria from getting stuck in the tiny grooves, helping to prevent cavities and other dental problems. They’re essential for preventative care for children’s oral health and help maintain optimal oral health in adults as well.


Sealants are particularly advantageous for children, especially those aged six to 14, as they’re in their cavity-prone mid-childhood years, which heightens the risk of tooth decay. During this period, newly erupted permanent molars are especially susceptible, making ongoing preventative care for children’s oral health crucial.

Moreover, applying sealants to baby teeth can prevent dental caries and maintain the necessary spacing for permanent teeth, thereby reducing the risk of tooth loss due to early decay. This essential protection supports healthy dental development as children establish good oral health habits early, ensuring they enjoy optimal oral health throughout their lives.


Adults with healthy teeth and no existing dental fillings or decay in their molars can also benefit from dental sealants. This preventive treatment is particularly advantageous for those with deep grooves or small depressions in their teeth, which are prone to trapping food particles and bacteria, potentially leading to tooth decay.

Patients With Deep Grooves and Pits

Those with pronounced deep grooves or pits in their teeth are at a higher risk of developing cavities. Applying dental sealants can effectively fill these indentations, forming a protective barrier that smooths the surface, making it easier to clean, and reducing the risk of tooth decay.

Patients With Orthodontic Appliances

For individuals wearing braces or clear aligners, maintaining proper oral hygiene can be challenging. Dental sealants provide an additional layer of protection during orthodontic treatment, minimizing the risk of tooth decay in those hard-to-clean areas. 

This makes them an excellent candidate for dental sealants, as the sealants bond to the teeth and offer a safeguard against developing cavities.

Special Needs Individuals

For those with physical or cognitive challenges that make effective brushing and flossing difficult, dental sealants can act as a crucial preventive measure to reduce the risk of developing cavities. 

By providing a protective barrier, sealants help safeguard against tooth decay, ensuring optimal oral health for individuals who may struggle with maintaining regular dental hygiene.

starting dental treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes someone not a candidate for dental sealants?

Patients with teeth that already have fillings or minimal grooves may not benefit from sealants. Additionally, teeth without a tendency toward developing cavities typically don’t require this treatment.

When is the best time to get dental sealants?

Children should receive sealants on their permanent molars and premolars as soon as these teeth erupt, typically around age six for the first molars and age 12 for the second molars. Adults can also benefit if their teeth meet the criteria for sealant application.

Protect Your Teeth With Dental Sealants in North East, PA

Whether you’re a parent looking to prevent cavities in your child’s teeth or an adult aiming to maintain optimal oral health, dental sealants are an excellent preventive solution. Sealants not only protect teeth from decay but also complement regular dental checkups and other preventative care efforts.

Contact our dental office in North East, PA, at (814) 725-4700 to schedule your consultation and determine your candidacy for dental sealants. We proudly serve patients in North East, Erie, Ripley, Findley Lake, and surrounding areas. Let us help you enjoy a healthier, brighter smile!