Snap-In Dentures

Please note we may not provide this service at our North East practice. Call (814) 725-4700 to learn more.

A Modern Solution for Denture Wearers

Losing your teeth can be a stressful experience, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Millions of people face tooth loss due to age, injury, or other factors. While traditional dentures have been a long-standing solution, they can sometimes feel uncomfortable and unstable, making it difficult to eat and speak. 

Snap-in dentures offer a more modern and secure alternative, designed to improve comfort and function for denture wearers. To learn more about snap-on dentures in North East, PA, call our North East dental office at (814) 725-4700 today.

snap-in dentures

What Are Snap-in Dentures?

Snap-in dentures, also known as implant-retained dentures or snap-on dentures, use dental implants to securely anchor the dentures in place. Unlike conventional dentures that sit on top of the gums, snap-in dentures attach to implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone. This offers greater stability and functionality, reducing concerns about dentures slipping while eating or speaking.

Snap-in Denture Benefits

Many patients who choose snap-in dentures experience several advantages, including:

  • Superior Stability: Anchored to dental implants, snap-in dentures stay securely in place, making it easier to talk and chew without worrying about dentures slipping or shifting.
  • Improved Functionality: With enhanced stability, patients can bite and chew food more effectively, enjoying a wider variety of meals.
  • Jawbone Preservation: Dental implants provide the jawbone with necessary stimulation, helping to prevent bone loss that often occurs after losing natural teeth.
  • Better Fit Over Time: While traditional dentures can become loose as the jawbone changes, the implant support from snap-in dentures helps reduce these changes, ensuring a more comfortable long-term fit.
  • Reduced Need for Adhesives: Snap-in dentures stay in place without the need for denture adhesives, eliminating the mess and inconvenience often associated with them.
  • Boost in Confidence: Snap-in dentures can give patients the confidence to speak, laugh, and eat without fear of their dentures shifting.
  • Natural Appearance and Comfort: Designed to resemble natural teeth, snap-in dentures offer a more natural look and feel compared to traditional dentures.
  • Improved Speech: Snap-in dentures can help improve speech clarity due to their secure fit.

Who is a Candidate for Snap-In Dentures?

If you meet the following criteria, you may be a good candidate for snap-in dentures:

  • Adequate Bone Density: A healthy jawbone is essential to support dental implants. In some cases, bone grafting may be recommended if additional bone density is needed.
  • Good Oral Health: Candidates should be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits.
  • Non-Smoker: Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Ideal candidates are non-smokers or willing to quit.
  • Missing Multiple Teeth: Snap-in dentures can replace multiple missing teeth, providing an excellent solution for patients who need a secure, comfortable alternative to traditional dentures.

To find out what type of denture may work best for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Dina Nuhfer at our North East, PA office today by calling (814) 725-4700.

dentist checking on the man's smile for the dental emergency

Snap-In Dentures Process

Initial Consultation 

You’ll meet with our North East dentist for an initial consultation. During this appointment, your oral health will be assessed, and your specific needs and preferences will be discussed. We’ll also take impressions of your gums and any remaining teeth to create a personalized dental treatment plan.

Treatment Planning 

Based on the impressions and your preferences, Dr. Dina Nuhfer will work on designing the snap-in dentures. They’ll determine the appropriate size, shape, and color of the removable dentures to match your natural teeth and provide a comfortable fit.

Preparing the Mouth 

In some cases, any remaining damaged teeth might need to be extracted to make way for permanent dentures. Our dentist will perform any necessary extractions and address any oral health issues before moving forward.

Implant Placement (If Required) 

Snap-in dentures can be attached using dental implants or can be supported by natural teeth. If you opt for dental implants, this step involves placing small titanium posts into your jawbone. The number of implants will depend on the type of snap-in dentures you’re getting.

Temporary Dentures (If Needed) 

While your mouth heals from any extractions or implant placement, you might be given temporary dentures to wear. These regular dentures will help you maintain your appearance and ability to chew during the healing process.

Impressions for Final Dentures

Once your mouth has healed or the implants have integrated with the bone, the dentist will take another set of impressions. These will be used to create the final dentures that will fit precisely in your mouth.

Denture Fabrication

Using the impressions and the treatment plan, the dental lab will create your snap-in dentures. The dentures will be fabricated to ensure a proper fit, optimal comfort, and a natural appearance.

Denture Fitting 

When the final dentures are ready, you’ll visit the dentist for a fitting. Dr. Nuhfer will ensure that the dentures fit correctly and make any necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and stability.

Placement and Testing

If you have chosen implant-supported snap-in dentures, the implants will be tested for stability, and the dentures will be attached to the implants using special connectors. This attachment ensures that the dentures snap securely in place.

Final Adjustments

After wearing the snap-in dentures for a little while, you might identify areas that need adjustment. Whether it’s pressure points or comfort issues, visit our North East dentist for any required adjustments.

How Much Do Snap-On Dentures Cost?

Patients should expect to spend between $3,000 to $8,000 for snap-on dentures. Of course, certain factors influence the cost of your denture set, including:

  • Number of Implants Needed: A full set may require 4-6 implants per arch, which can affect the cost.
  • Additional Procedures: If you need tooth extractions or bone grafting, this can increase the overall cost.
  • Type of Implants and Denture Material: The type of implants and materials used for the dentures can influence the price.
  • Insurance: Check with your dental insurance provider to see if any portion of the procedure is covered.

older couple sitting outside of a cafe shop

Frequently Asked Questions

Can snap-on dentures be removed?

Yes, snap-in dentures are designed to be removable for easy cleaning and maintenance. However, they remain securely in place during normal activities like eating and speaking. 

How do I care for my snap-in dentures?

Caring for your snap-in dentures involves daily cleaning with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive cleaner, regular rinsing after meals, and storing them in a clean, dry place when not in use. Be sure to attend regular dental check-ups to ensure your implants and dentures remain in good condition.

Discover How Snap-In Dentures Can Improve Your Life

If you’re looking for a more secure, functional alternative to traditional dentures, snap-in dentures could be the solution for you. Schedule a consultation with our North East, PA dentist today by calling (814) 725-4700. We proudly serve patients from Erie, Ripley, Findley Lake, and the surrounding areas.